Tag Archives: Karl Marx

States breath new life into Cap & Trade

David Paterson New York Governor

NY Governor David Paterson

Just when you thought it was safe to exhale – it’s back, bigger than ever. What’s back you ask? Why, cap and trade. And it’s coming to a state near you. Even though 30 thousand or so scientists say CO2 emissions aren’t really harmful and in fact are probably good for the environment; your government is not taking any chances with your health! So, they’re going to slap those evil businesses with cap and trade just to make sure you stay extra healthy!

And this is really cool: state governments are joining in with the federal government (EPA) to give companies the ole one-two punch. I can’t wait till we have nice CO2-less air to breath as we recline in government housing somewhere. Why government housing? Because we won’t have jobs anymore so we gotta live somewhere, don’t we? But who cares as long as we don’t have excess CO2. Psst, don’t tell anyone that plants absorb and thrive on CO2. That’s a secret!

From New York comes this heartwarming story of a bankrupt state with a truly caring group of government bureaucrats. Those evil power plants, the ones that deliver electricity to residents and businesses in NY have been ‘convinced’ by state thugs in the NYSDEC to purchase carbon credits in a cap and trade scheme.

This has raised $213 Million dollars to fight all that bad global warming in New York. And each year, these power plants must lower emissions or face penalties. Of course, they also must spend millions to update their equipment to lower emissions. And happy NY residents and businesses will gladly pay the extra $213 million dollars plus plant upgrade fees to lower CO2 emissions! Hey – we’re all in this together!

Now what will NY do with these new contributions from caring citizens and businesses? From the TimesUnion.com, “$112 million for Gov. David Paterson’s green jobs legislation adopted last fall, and $177 million for energy audits and energy-efficiency installation measures in homes and businesses. “

Hmm, let’s see. $112 Million dollars for green jobs legislation. We all know what that means. It’s your money funneled into green companies operating in the red ever since the American people figured out that global warming is a big hoax. So, the compassionate state of New York is using the power of government to grab from one group of profit making businesses and donate to green (uh red) losers. This should warm Al Gore’s heart and help his stock portfolio. He gets the dividend checks and NY residents get the shaft – uh I mean clean air! It’s a beautiful thing!

$177 million dollars for energy audits and other government meddling make work projects. Anyone with any brains should leave NY as fast as they can sell their house.

But hold on a minute, the TimesUnion goes on to report, “In October, the governor raided $90 million from RGGI to balance the state budget, a step that outraged the environmental community.” Oops…  turns out there was a better use for those cap and trade dollars after all. Will New Yorkers survive? Stay tuned, you’ll be asking them personally when you find them living next door.

Next installment: learn how the unconstitutional soviet style agency, EPA, does Obama’s dirty work for him. Coming up soon.


Filed under Environment, Socialism

Sneak Attack – How the federal government will launch the final take-over of the US health care industry

Photo of Health Care Resistor

Resistance is futile...

The mainstream mouthpiece media has been dutifully publishing government puff pieces on how the health care bill probably won’t go for a vote till January at the earliest. But don’t you believe it for a second. This is just part of the scam – they want you to go back to sleep. You have been far more vocal than they ever thought you’d be. In fact, you’re really making a lot of socialists mad as heck. Government hijacking of the US health care system should have been a slam-dunk.

After all, the socialists control the public schools, they’ve infiltrated the churches, they have seized the federal government and many state government offices. They also control the media.

You need to understand that this is part of a program that was started over a century ago. Yes – government seizure of the US health care system is part of a long term commitment by socialists to remake America into a state much like the old Soviet Union and China. The people driving this effort will never give up. Past experience assures them that the set-backs they’re experiencing today are temporary and will be overcome by their consistent effort.

Using the state run media, they will work to cool things down. Stories will appear in the newspapers, in magazines, and on government tv ‘news’; suggesting that the government take over of the private health insurance industry is moving to the back burner for awhile. You’re expected to forget about the issue and concentrate on the holidays.

That’s when they’ll spring their trap. One Saturday when no one is paying attention, the bill will come up for a sudden vote thanks to the corrupt Speaker of the House, Pelosi. It will be rammed through as they’ve done a thousand times in the past. Once the bill passes the House, it goes to the Senate, and finally to Obama.

Now is the time to be vigilant. You must pay close attention to every move Congress makes. I believe that some of the House Representatives and Senators care more about taking over the health care system than re-election. It’s my guess they are sacrificial lambs – in position there to place that historic vote.

We need to reach out and call every sitting Congressperson and Senator daily. And tell them we do not want a federal take over of the US health system. But let’s not stop there. We do not want the government involved in the health industry beyond protecting our basic constitutional rights. Let’s work together to stop the madness in the federal government. There are many great solutions to the relatively small number of problems in our health care system. Demand that elected officials end the tyranny that has gripped this nation. Demand that they begin to look at American solutions to our problems – not old, tired, worn-out European anachronisms that serve the ultra-rich and turn the rest of the people into peasants.

If we’re not extra vigilant for the next 6 months, we’ll be getting our government medical ID cards in 2013.

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Filed under Health Care, Socialism, States Rights

US needs money – how about an exhale tax?

Man joggingOh dear. What’s a Marxist Socialist US President to do? The 10 year budget deficit has just been raised to $9 trillion dollars. I know – let’s just say it’s all George Bush’s fault. After all, he was President when this crisis emerged. But uh-oh – weren’t the Democrats in charge of the House and Senate during that same period? Ah, forget those trivial details. The Democrats and Republicans are experts at blaming each other for the problems we face today. Wasn’t it you and I who bailed out the auto makers, insurance companies, and banks with our own money? Didn’t we citizens create all those excessive spending programs while Congress and the Senate stood helplessly at the sidelines begging us to stop?

It gets worse. It has been reliably reported that the federal government currently is sitting on $100 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities, mainly for social security, medicare, and medicaid. Know any business owners? Ask them what the government would do to them if they had unfunded pension plan liabilities, for example. Nobody to ask because companies are going belly up faster than you can say “Commerce Clause”? I’ll tell you – they’d go to jail. And they would be vilified in the media by the same thugs breaking the same rules – the federal government. The US government’s $100 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities makes Bernie Madoff look like a dime store shop lifter.

But back to the $100 trillion dollars the government has committed to take from one group of folks to give to others. The number is staggering: it equals roughly 10 times the value of every single thing produced in the US in one year. Don’t make me say that twice!

So how will we pay for government health care? The cost for that adds as much as $1 trillion to the liabilities shown above. We can’t sell much more debt to the Chinese. I think they’re on to us. And raising taxes is tricky. All those un-American and un-patriotic people have been showing up at those tiresome Town Hall Meetings and Tea Parties saying they hate taxes, Senators, and Congresspersons – and even the President.

One way is create money out of thin air. This is so much more convenient now that we have high speed computers and a willing private bank called the Federal Reserve. The Fed simply adds some zeros to a number in a computer and voila! Like magic, America has more money to spend on health care! It’s a beautiful thing! The public will never know – that is until a loaf of bread costs $20.00.

But my favorite federal government fund raiser is Cap and Trade a/k/a ‘Carbon Tax’. This will permit the government to levy unlimited taxes on just about anything that produces emissions. Expect to see an ‘exhale tax’ after they pass Cap and Trade. Every breath you take produces CO2 and that contributes to global warming doesn’t it? And that’s why the government conceived Cap and Trade isn’t it? Only one problem: global warming is rapidly losing any semblance of credibility. Hey, how about a tax on global cooling …?

An exhale tax is just what a Marixt-Socialist US government needs to generate funds for its utopian worker’s paradise here in America. It will raise unlimited revenue to spend as they choose. And that revenue will come from you – every time you exhale.

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Government “Health” Insurance – No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

Ever hear the old expression; there’s no such thing as a free lunch? Well somebody is certainly paying for the free lunches handed out daily to over 60% of the students in the public schools*. It’s no wonder that a growing number of people believe that government health care should somehow be ‘free’ for all. That in the Utopian world the US federal government is creating, all of the people should have access to health care services without worrying how to pay for it. But that’s how we got into this mess in the first place.

Private health insurers initiated the crisis by creating a disconnect between the patient and the providers of health services. Today, the actual customer and the entity paying the bill is the insurance company. Or in the case of government health insurance, the federal government. So the relationship removes the patient from much of the decision making process and replaces it with a panel of bureaucrats who really don’t care all that much about your health.

Government health insurance will not change the dynamics of cost for medical services anymore than private insurers. And that’s because it doesn’t address the fundamental flaw in our current health system and the way it’s provided. And that flaw is: the patient is not paying for it. Consider that most insured people do not know how much medical insurance costs, are largely unaware of what the charges are for many procedures, don’t know what the total bill is after treatment, and don’t have any incentive to moderate their use of medical services

With government health care; government Czars will force doctors, hospitals, and other health providers to do more for less money. Hey, if you’re a doctor, I’ll bet you’re looking forward to seeing more patients for less money. And if you’re a patient, you’re not worried about the level of care you’ll get when the government tells doctors to work for less – right? Politicians apply this economic theory because they themselves work in a fantasy land of ever increasing salaries and perks, while minimizing the struggles we less fortunate serfs have to overcome.

Oh I beg your pardon – I guess it does take a lot of work to come up with new ways to separate people from their hard earned money. Clever ideas such as the soda tax to help obese people lose weight and cost the future government health care system less. So if you’re obese, look out. A perfect storm of special taxes, regulations, and in-your-face government is coming your way.

Government bureaucrats will dictate your health treatments and you’ll accept it whether you like it or not. Ultimately, when the only choice is government health care and private insurance for the wealthy and well connected, most people will discover to their horror that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Human nature doesn’t change over time. If you’re writing a check out of your personal account for medical services, you’re going to be a lot more careful about how and where you spend that money then if someone else is paying for your medical treatments. The best solutions for lowering health care costs without substantially lowering the level of care, is medical savings accounts coupled with high deductible catastrophic medical insurance.

Medical savings accounts should be tax-free, portable, and available to be transferred to heirs upon your death. You should be permitted to accumulate a set amount every year so that within a few years, you have a nice nest-egg to cover your routine medical costs. Catastrophic medical insurance costs would drop dramatically with the advent of medical savings accounts coupled with high deductible medical insurance.

In the US though, this won’t happen because the government is filled with bureaucrats who firmly believe that they are much more capable of making your decisions than you are. Reducing choice is their trademark. Hamstringing private business is a regular tactic.

So, as you hand over your ability to make your health care decisions to the government, remember you are handing over your very life to a group of people who will have their own special health care program just for them. You won’t see Congresspersons, Senators, and the President waiting on line for health care. And of course they will have the very best medical care money can buy – with little or no deductible. No rationing for the 2,000,000+ employees of the federal government.

Government ‘health’ care is dumbed down medical care for the masses. It will further erode society in our once great nation and hasten our transition to a 3rd world country.

*In select Counties in the state of GA

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Filed under Health Care

Happy May Day Comrade!

Ah, spring is in the air! The flowers are blooming. The buds on the trees are sprouting. But wait kids. Did you remember May Day? May 1st (May Day) is a traditional day of celebration for Communists worldwide. I quote from the Communist Party USA website – “a day of struggle for workers rights and of celebration of the contribution of all workers: men and women, gay and straight, every race, language, religion or nationality.” Oh how inspiring!

But for you middle school and high school students educated in the government school system, here’s something you may not know about the Communist Party. You see, unless you’re older than 40 years, you were never taught about the ideology of Karl Marx. And while we’re at it, you probably were never educated on the US Founding Fathers, The US Bill of Rights, and the US Constitution. In short – as us old 50 something guys say – you’ve been ripped off. If you had received a good education, you would know that Communism and its component, Socialism, killed 100,000,000+ of its own people within the past 80 years! I repeat: 100,000,000+ of its own people.

Those that weren’t killed, were often tortured, maimed, imprisoned, stripped of their possessions, and terrorized – by their own government. The wretched remainder learned to keep their mouths shut and do what they’re told. It was common knowledge just 40 years ago, that Russia, China, Cuba, and a number of other Communist countries were places you’d never want to live. In fact, citizens of Communist countries frequently risked their lives seeking asylum in the US.

The poor in the US live far better than the majority of people in Communist countries. That’s because the economic opportunities in a free Republic bring prosperity to a greater percentage of its citizens. People emigrating from Communist countries are amazed at the wealth and standard of living in the US. So why would anyone want a political and economic system that does these terrible things to its own citizens? Maybe someone’s telling a little fib about Socialism.

Now students, don’t take my word for all of this. Study about Stalin, Chairman Mao, and Pol Pot. Get yourselves your own copy of the Communist Manifesto. Then, get a copy of the US Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Study them carefully. It won’t take you long. Finally, look at the avalanche of new legislation being created right now by our Congress and Senate. See which ones are Constitutional and which ones are Marxist. Here’s a pop quiz: the progressive income tax; was that Constitutional or Marxist? Hint: which plank was it? The US Federal Reserve (the central bank); was that Constitutional or Marxist?

So, Comrades. Happy May Day. Let’s see if we can’t complete the transition to communism in the US over the next 3-4 years! We’re well on our way. The next time you hear from me, I may be in a US gulag somewhere. Uh kids, gulag is a Soviet prison camp where dissenters are kept – so they won’t be a threat to Communism.

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