Monthly Archives: November 2012

The Ultimate Gun Ban

Guns For UN Armed Forces Only

Guns For UN Armed Forces Only

(Aurora, CO) The horrific shootings by a lone crazed gunman have predictably brought the gun ban politicians out of the woodwork. Salt, trans-fat, soda drink size activist and New York City Mayor Bloomberg demanded “it’s time that the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they are going to do about it… [gun laws]” Senator Frank Lautenberg D-NJ, always an expert on the US Constitution opined, “these types of tragedies will continue to occur unless we do something about our nation’s lax gun laws.”

Years of anti-gun indoctrination in the US has created the right atmosphere for gun bans. Events such as the tragic shootings in Aurora, CO along with media saturation of the story serve to move the US closer than ever towards an all-out ban on firearms. The upcoming UN SMALL ARMS TREATY if ratified by the US Senate will open the door for the UN to regulate firearms in the US. Some American politicians seem more than ready to make privileged government personnel sole possessors of firearms while the serfs are disarmed.

That’s why it’s important to remember that the biggest killer of citizens by far is government. In fact, some estimates claim several hundred million citizens killed by their own governments in the twentieth century alone. Gun bans really work. They raise government law enforcement agents to a special privileged class and lower citizens to a compliant, fearful group of people who do what they’re told. The Second Amendment was written to protect citizens from a tyrannous government. Is it any wonder that this is not taught in the government school system?

Rogue government mouthpieces like New York City’s mayor Bloomberg have long demanded a nationwide gun ban. While law abiding citizens in the decaying city largely cannot even own a gun, citizens are killed there by guns all the time. This myth that somehow a gun ban will make the citizens safer is pure eye and ear candy – a type of political heroin with the same type of payoff. Of course, His Highness Bloomberg also has 24 hour, seven day a week taxpayer funded police protection.

Consider the government sponsored Hutu genocide against the unarmed Tutsi’s in Rwanda. According to Wikipedia, “Most of the victims were killed in their own villages or in towns, often by their neighbors and fellow villagers. The militia typically murdered victims by machetes, although some army units used rifles. The Hutu gangs searched out victims hiding in churches and school buildings, and massacred them. Local officials and government-sponsored radio incited ordinary citizens to kill their neighbors.” Ultimately 800,000 – 1,000,000 largely unarmed Tutsi’s were killed. Defenseless women and children were hacked to death, or raped and then shot.

No gun ban discussion is complete without deciding which parties will be stripped of the right to self-protection. I propose that any gun and personal protection device bans include all federal, state, and local government officials including law enforcement. After all, if a gun ban will make everyone so safe, why does ANYONE need them? If you support gun bans,  demand a complete gun ban that includes all government royalty including law enforcement at all levels.

Mayor Bloomberg is a Roman style Caesar, who demands the right to regulate your life in New York City right down to the salt in your diet and the size of your soft drink. And if you refuse? Guess who shows up with guns?

This post originally appeared in by this author

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Filed under Gun control

Gun Control with the Obamacare Template

Robert E Lee

Robert E Lee found out what happens when you go against tyrants in government.

Jasper County Commissioner Mary Patrick* recently sent me a gun alert entitled, “Civil War Via Gun Control Is Coming”. Yes Mary, a total gun ban is coming. Civil war probably is not. Let me explain.

The Globalist-Marxist cadre that seized control of the US federal government has been successful implementing a series of tasks that included The Patriot Act, NDAA, Obama’s Executive Orders, and the Patient Protection and Care Act a/k/a Obamacare. These acts are designed to harmonize the US into a truly global system of governance that will transform the US into a vassal state and its citizens into world serfs.

It was essential that a government sponsored universal health care program was put in place because most other Marxist-Socialist countries have one as well. This is where the gun ban comes in. Most countries have strict bans on citizens owning firearms. Only government officials and criminals own guns in the globalist community. The shadowy group in Washington DC desperately need to complete the mission of folding the US into the world government. The US Constitution and the second amendment simply get in the way. And these are people who don’t let anything stand in their way. As you saw with Obamacare, it was rammed through to the surprise of many.

The same template is in place for the coming gun ban. Oh sure, some Senators and Congresspeople will pretend to fight it, but alas, they will “lose” the battle. Those officials looking at a close race will get a “pass” and be permitted to vote against any gun control bills. But the back room deals will clinch it and you’ll see yet another truly American tradition trampled under the feet of DC globalist thugs.

This is not a battle between two honest groups of people – one group concerned about gun safety and the other about the Second Amendment. Instead, it is a desperate part of the overall agenda and goals of globalist-marxist operatives who seek people control without having to worry about those pesky gun owners. And these operative completely control the US federal government. It’s time every citizen wakes up and understands what this means.

Many gun owners have told me that they will fight to the death before they let the government confiscate their guns. And that’s what the plotters in Washington DC are betting on. They will use the taxpayer funded military to forcibly take guns from resistors and it won’t be pretty. Military hardware today is amazingly advanced. You’re going up against state-of-the-art equipment that is tough to defend against. Urban warfare is also very advanced. After all, we’ve been waging war all over the planet and the US military is very good at killing people.

Those who resist will be viciously and very publicly killed. It will be bloody and the government controlled press will eagerly cover it. This will serve as a warning to those who make think they can get away with keeping their firearms.

The globalist-marxist backed US federal government is determined to disarm US citizens and they’ll let nothing stand in their way. In fact, Obama is so confident that his re-election gives him a mandate on his goals, he’s ready to implement them without delay. You might say he hasn’t a worry in the globalist world.

So what can be done considering the US federal government is so powerful and more than willing and capable to kill mass amounts of Americans to achieve their goals?

There are several possibilities and I will outline them below.

  1. Toss the Republicans and Democrats out of Congress and the Senate. Elect Libertarian or better, elect Constitution Party candidates. A majority in Congress and the Senate could slow down or even halt the plans of the globalist cabal in DC.
  2. Toss out any Governor who doesn’t stand firmly in between the federal government and his/her state government. The Governor has two tools that can be used against an out of control federal government. One is interposition which simply means “stand-in-between” and refuse to let the feds take any guns away in that state. The second tool is “nullification”. This means what it says: Nullify or make void any bill that seeks to violate the US Constitution, within that state.

America is at the end of the line when it comes to gun bans. Most other countries have already banned guns for all intents and purposes. The globalists need to finish the job here in the US, and – just like passing government health care, they will effect a gun ban if we let them.

Here are some resources that may help stop the madness:

  1.; this excellent group works to use the Tenth Amendment along with “Interposition” and “Nullification” to defend against unconstitutional laws forced on the states by the US federal government.
  2. ; Ron Paul calls this the only “No compromise gun lobby in Washington”
  3. ; “The John Birch Society endorses the timeless principles of the Declaration of Independence. The Society also labors to warn against and expose the forces that seek to abolish U.S. independence, build a world government, or otherwise undermine our personal liberties and national independence. “

*Mary Patrick is a Jasper County GA Commissioner, that decided not to seek a second term in order to go back to being a “watchdog” of government activities.


Filed under Gun control, Health Care