I opt-out of the naked scanner and go for the deluxe pat down

Military man protecting airport terminal

US Airport Security - coming to an airport near you

They were herding passengers through the naked scanner like cattle at Atlanta Hartsfield Airport. No one escaped the indignity of having their whole body including all private parts exposed for government scrutiny. I suppose this is the United States of the future. You will be required to essentially disrobe on demand in front of any federal officer regardless of whether there is reasonable suspicion of a crime committed or not. Due process is a thing of the past.

I noticed on a FBI Crime website that it’s not enough anymore to investigate crimes committed. Law enforcement will increasingly focus on preventing crime. Now who would argue against that? Perhaps America’s Founding Fathers. Because of the way it will be done. For example: once illegal wiretaps on your phone will become legal – like magic. Surveillance from any one of thousands of cameras surrounding you everywhere when you step outside your front door. Rifling through your papers, bills, purchases, and more – all of which will be on-line for every government snoop to spend quality time reviewing.

All of your medical records will be on a national government database soon, as part of the US federal government’s takeover of the private medical industry. Take Viagra? Are you bi-polar? Think bad thoughts sometimes? All your pals in the government who just want to keep you safe, will know all about you. Doesn’t that make you feel safer?

The FBI and the TSA and the rest of the federal enforcers will have plenty of help preventing crime. Those silly constitutional rights just keep getting in the way of good honest crime prevention. We must become more like the rest of the world. So you’ll see continual whittling away at the US Bill of Rights.

But back to Atlanta Hartsfield Airport. Do you remember watching TV shows from the 60’s and 70’s? They often depicted a communist police state visually as an airport with military types checking “your papers”. The look and feel of these 60’s and 70’s police state airports is surprisingly similar to the look and feel of today’s US airports. Except the old ones didn’t have the invasive new naked scanners.

These airport scanners violate numerous Constitutional rights. Yet – where is the outrage? Part of this can be attributed to successful media indoctrination that these violations of rights are good for you. They make you safer. You’re under less threat of violence. Most people apparently are willing to give up any rights if you just tell them you’ll grant them greater security. As for me, I’d rather take my chances with the Taliban than trust a hugely powerful federal monstrosity that has clearly moved into the red zone of police state enforcement.

So I decided to “opt-out” of the naked scanner and go for the deluxe pat-down. I was gruffly asked, “Oh, you want the opt-out?” Like it’s some sort of challenge. Then I was told – “Stand over there”. I heard an announcement over the PA system that they had an opt-out and needed a male guard. After waiting a few minutes, I was ordered to follow the TSA guard through a metal detector and stand next to a desk. “Stand on this side”, he demanded.

I was asked about the contents of my computer bag. “Any sharp objects in here” asked the second guard. I wanted to say something sarcastic like, “No, just my box cutter…” but I knew these guys didn’t have a sense of humor. I might have ended up in a FEMA camp for any cute remarks. “No – nothing sharp in there to my knowledge.” Didn’t the bag just go through their x-ray machine? And hadn’t I gone through a metal detector a second time? Oh well – better be safe than sorry my momma used to say!

The TSA guard checking my computer bag removed the padded dashboard mount for my GPS and quizzically turned it over a few times. “For my GPS” I added. He nodded and stuffed it back in the case. Then my belongings were again carried to another security check point where the pat-down began. The first TSA guard explained that the back of the hand and the front of the hand would be used. Hands would be slid down my pants and my groin would be touched. Hands will go up and down my legs. I thought about that dope Chris Matthews when he said Mr. Obama gave him a shiver down his leg. Shiver this Matthews you establishment butt kisser.

The guard took my boarding pass and entered something into his computer. “Oh great”, I thought. “Now I’m on a federal database as an op-out”. This should be good for my future here in the socialist-communist new world order America.

Now the pat-down. I was asked if I would like to have my body check done in private. Being the voyeur I am, I said, “No – right here is fine.” The TSA guard performed as advertised, I was groped from head to toe. He did slide the back of his hand down my pants and he did feel my groin. My legs were checked. My back was checked. My feet were checked. All areas of my body were inspected. However, I’m pleased to report that they left out the body cavity inspection this time. I anticipate this is coming at a future date.

It seemed it was over almost as soon as it started. The TSA guard walked away and entered some more stuff into his federal database. Almost as if he had forgotten me, he suddenly looked back and said I could go. I gathered up my scattered possessions, put my shoes and belt back on, packed my laptop computer back into my computer bag.

I didn’t notice any other people taking the opt-out option. Apparently most people are content to step into some bizarre machine owned and operated by the federal government – and no, just because you pay taxes, that doesn’t mean you own the naked scanners.

You pay for all this. And then the federal police state uses it for people control.

If the American people are willing to accept this violation of Constitutional rights, they are willing to accept much more. Expect to see this in train stations, bus terminals, city streets, municipal buildings – use your imagination. I’ll bet you can think of a great place for naked scanners.

Any place sounds good except maybe our borders.


Filed under Civil Rights

10 responses to “I opt-out of the naked scanner and go for the deluxe pat down

  1. Lynn N.

    I see that you have the same vision of these tactics as we do over at Boycott Flying … http://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-Flying/126801010710392
    Please come and join us.

  2. Robert Heiney

    Hi Lynn – thank you for the hard work for liberty your Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-Flying/126801010710392
    delivers to Americans who still care about the constitution and the Founding Fathers Vision. I have visited and joined!

    • Lynn N.

      Thanks Robert, but I have to let you in on a little secret … I’m actually Canadian. 🙂

      Unfortunately, every insane scheme that the US government dreams up is then forced on Canada as well. To stop this insanity everywhere, it has to first be stopped where it began in the US, so I’m happily fighting right along-side all of you Americans. The US is my favourite place to vacation, so I’m truly looking forward to the day that I can return to see the states that I’ve missed in my travels.

  3. Bill Cherry

    By the ned of this year, most airports will have the scanners. Watch the City of Austin, Texas. They are working to opt out of any scanners at the airport and the airport board has voted against using the scanners.
    They also have random business location checks planned along with check point scans on streets and roads. The radar trucks are planned to be put into use this year that will be able to see through your car. We can no longer call us “The home of the free”.

  4. Robert Heiney

    Thank you for your post Bill. As you well know – this is just another in a long chain of events that started decades ago. They are eye opening generally to citizens 50 years of age and up but folks younger than 50 seem oblivious to the attacks on the Bill of Rights that emerge with an increasing frequency from our puppet government in Washington DC. The government indoctrination centers a/k/a ‘public schools’, have done a great job producing citizens ready to be door mats for the elitists controlling the US central government.

  5. Rick

    Haven’t US citizens frequently given up various aspects of freedom in the name of “national security”? Sedition laws in 1798, 1918 & 1940; Lincoln suspending habeas corpus, Roosevelt creating internment camps for Japanese & the McCarthy witch hunts for communists all were significant violations of the Bill of Rights. While all were overturned/outlawed/expired eventually, the argument of the day was that it was needed to “protect” us. Same government, different generation…

  6. Robert Heiney

    Hi Rick,

    didn’t Patrick Henry say the following:

    “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me; give me liberty or give me death!”

  7. Rick

    I am not necessarily agreeing with the loss of liberty for “security’s” sake, just pointing out that this has occurred frequently during US history. However, there is always a fine line between individual freedom and the greater good of society. The challenge is maintaining that line and knowing when to move it back & forth.

    FYI – Actually there is no written record of any of Patrick Henry’s speeches; the one you refer to was first put into print in an 1816 biography of Henry by William Wirt. Many members of the House of Burgesses (Washington & Jefferson among them) recalled the “give me liberty or give me death” portion, but not the other details of the speech

    • Robert Heiney

      I think the best example of “loss of liberty for security’s sake”, is the Patriot Act. There are numerous violations of the Bill of Rights that open the door to creating a true police state out of the once free United States. The US central government indeed crossed the line when they enacted this legislation – and I’ll bet you – most sitting CongressThugs and Senators never actually read the bill.

      As for the Patrick Henry speech – I have always wondered whether these quotes can be verified as accurate. Frankly, in this case at least, the quote fit. I don’t care who said it.

  8. Rick

    I would not disagree with you that few, if any of our elected officials read the Patriot Act. Fortunately, there is a case before this session of the Supreme Court which depending on how the Gang of Nine rules could be either a victory for the Bill of Rights or just a further affirmation that Big Brother is here to stay.


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